KREA Consulting Pty Ltd

KREA Consulting Pty Ltd

Carbon, energy, and sustainability consulting are the focus of KREA Consulting Pty Ltd., which is headquartered in Melbourne, Victoria.

Our mission is to provide a support service that is both collaborative and efficient, with the goal of meeting your environmental assurance and reporting requirements. Our team is led by Katherine Simmons, who is a registered greenhouse and energy auditor with the Clean Energy Regulator and a Climate Active consultant.

KREA Consulting has demonstrated capabilities in project managing sustainability frameworks, environmental management systems, EPA works approval applications, efficiency and process improvement projects, all of which resulted in significant savings in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water consumption, and financial resources.

Katherine Simmons

Katherine is a chemical engineer who has worked in the petrochemical, manufacturing, and consulting industries for over 20 years combined. Katherine has over 1950 hours of audit, supervisor, and consulting experience, and she is a Registered Greenhouse and Energy Auditor (Category 1) with the Clean Energy Regulator. In addition, she is a Registered Greenhouse Auditor.

Environmental Advisory Services

KREA Consulting is able to assist you with the environmental reporting requirements, from the conception of the project to the analysis of the data, as well as the preparation and presentation of the assurance paperwork.

KREA Consulting will provide you with boutique-style support from the beginning of your engagement all the way through its delivery, no matter what your requirements are.

Helping you become Climate Active Certified

The process of making your organization carbon neutral, also known as having a net zero carbon footprint, involves measuring the amount of carbon emissions it produces, finding ways to cut those emissions, and then offsetting the amount of carbon emissions that remain to a net zero value using carbon offsets.

In Australia, a great number of businesses and trade groups are placing a significant amount of emphasis on carbon emissions and the steps involved in being carbon neutral certified.

KREA Consulting is a Registered Consultant for Climate Active, which was formerly known as the National Carbon Offset Standard. Climate Active is an ongoing partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses to drive voluntary climate action. KREA Consulting has experience in the fields of greenhouse gas and energy consultancy.

The initiative bolsters the accounts of firms, cuts their carbon emissions, and offers a credible stamp to demonstrate your commitment all while reducing those emissions. Measurement of your carbon account, reduction of your emissions, and public reporting of your carbon neutrality are all requirements for the Climate Active accreditation. Your application might need to be signed off by Technical Assistance first, followed by third-party verification if it is a baseline application. This depends on the type of certification, of course, as well as whether or not it is a baseline application.

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting

Assurance and Support Services

A unified national reporting structure for carbon emissions, energy production, and energy consumption was established by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act of 2007, also known as the NGERs Act. Under the NGERs Act, a corporation is required to register and submit an annual report if it is large enough to meet the threshold requirements.

Organizations who are liable under the NGERs Act can receive assurance and consultation services from Katherine Simmons because she is a Registered Greenhouse and Energy Auditor (Category 1) with the Clean Energy Regulator. KREA Consulting has a wealth of experience providing consulting support to a wide variety of businesses, including the petrochemical, refining, and manufacturing industries, among others that are reportable under the.

Operational Control and Organisational Boundary Advisory Support

Need help figuring out who has operational control of your organization or where your organizational boundary is in order to complete annual section 19 reporting? An analysis of your organization’s reporting duties in accordance with the Act can be carried out by KREA Consulting. This analysis will include an examination of any subsidiaries or joint ventures that may or may not need to be included in your submission.

Safeguard Mechanism Advisory

The Safeguard Mechanism is the framework that the Australian Government has established for the nation’s major emitters to use in order to measure, report, and manage their emissions.

In order to accomplish this, it encourages facilities that produce emissions that are at or below baselines established by the Clean Energy Regulator. These facilities produce emissions that are over the safeguard threshold.

KREA Consulting offers consulting services and assurance support to organizations that are liable under the Safeguard Mechanism because they have facilities that are liable under the Safeguard Mechanism. This includes communicating with the government of Australia and preparing documentation for an audit to be conducted.

Helping Architects Become Carbon Neutral

The Architects Declare initiative is a commitment to preserving the natural world. Architects Declare has now been launched in Australia, the third nation to do so.

The pledge requires all signatories to commit to eleven actions, one of which is to adopt more regenerative design principles in their studios, with the goal of designing architecture and urbanism that exceeds the standard of net zero carbon in use. Other actions include raising awareness of climate and biodiversity emergencies and the urgent need for action amongst our clients and supply chains.

KREA Consulting is housed in the Hip V. Hype Collective, which is a shared office space primarily devoted to helping those working in the fields of architecture, construction, and sustainability. We have a fundamental understanding of the processes that are used in these sectors.

KREA Consulting is currently assisting customers in meeting the requirements of the Climate Active certification program in order to become carbon neutral.

Certified ISO 14001 Auditors

The ISO 14001:2015 standard is an international standard that outlines the requirements that must be met in order to have an environmental management system that is both open and efficient (EMS).

It provides a framework that organizations can follow, and against which they can be certified, showing a continual commitment to reducing and minimizing their impact on the environment. The environmental management system can be integrated with other management system standards, the most common of which is the quality standard ISO 9001. This provides a set of policies, processes, and procedures that combines all of an organization’s business processes into a single management system.

Internal auditors for environmental, quality, and safety integrated management systems according to ISO 19011:2018 may be found at KREA Consulting. These auditors have years of expertise working with ISO 14001 standards.


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