Melbourne Performance Therapy: Myotherapy

Melbourne Performance Therapy - Myotherapy

Erin’s love of her job as a myotherapist and her enthusiasm for the performing arts led to the creation of Melbourne Performance Therapy. Erin decided to set herself and her business apart from the other sports-focused Myo’s and concentrate on the people she knew and understood best: performers, at a time when awareness of performance medicine in Australia was low and it was primarily the domain of specialized physiotherapists.

In order to provide performers with a place to receive care for their aches, pains, injuries, and rehabilitation needs from someone who could relate to them and their particular world, Melbourne Performance Therapy was founded in 2012. Because it can get a little tiresome to explain to those who are unfamiliar how your wrist hurts after doing a lot of bow work or how your neck hurts while practicing your pique turns.

In addition to her knowledge of what it takes to be a performer, Erin draws on her years of experience and expertise as a myotherapist. She is aware of the difficulties you face, the limitations, and the realities of performing.

About Erin 

Owner and primary therapist at Melbourne Performance Therapy is Erin. She has over 10 years of experience working as a myotherapist and is a fervent admirer of the performing arts. Erin holds degrees in psychology, music, clinical rehabilitation, and musculoskeletal therapy from the Bachelor of Health Science program. She also has a diploma in music and a Certificate IV in Pilates.

Erin has always loved the performing arts and been active in them. She adored singing, dancing, and listening to music as a child. Erin started taking music lessons at age 9 and picked up the flute. She quickly developed a passion for this, which she maintained throughout high school and college. She also picked up the cello, saxophone, and ballet along the way. Erin felt her love of performing on stage was satiated (for the time being) after earning her Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Music at Melbourne University, but she still desired to be a part of the performing arts community.

Erin enrolled in Endeavour College in Melbourne (then ACNM) in 2009 to pursue a degree in health science, and after just a few weeks she knew she had found her calling. There was no doubt as to what area of healthcare she would work in once she had earned her degree. Melbourne Performance Therapy was established as a result. a clinic that caters to the needs of Melbourne’s performing artists in terms of health and wellbeing.

Erin is acutely aware of the difficulties that performers encounter due to the repetitive nature of their work because she herself performs. She developed an interest in the physical health of performing artists as a result of her own need to seek medical attention for an injury while she was a student. It became clear right away that she could perform at her best when she was physically feeling her best. She is now able to combine her love of the performing arts and her passion for health and wellbeing because she is a qualified health practitioner.

Our Friends

In life, there are times when more than one source holds the key. The body is the same way. Frequently, you need the advice and assistance of more than one therapist to get the human body back to its best. At MPT, we’re dedicated to achieving the best results for you. Erin is passionate about assisting people in discovering the ideal “thing” for them, even if it is not myotherapy.

We will happily refer you to another therapist if we are unable to assist you or we think you would benefit from doing so.

Why Choose Myotherapy?

In-depth knowledge of human anatomy, biomechanics, and common musculoskeletal disorders is possessed by myotherapists. To develop and deliver a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs, they employ a wide range of treatment methodologies.

The soft tissues of the body, such as muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, and nerves, as well as the joints and related viscera (organs), are frequently treated by myotherapists using an integrated approach.


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